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Exeter Road Community Primary School

Every Child Can Succeed

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Welcome to our School Community

At Exeter Road Community Primary School, we pride ourselves on having a calm and friendly atmosphere where we take time to get to know each child as an individual person.  At Exeter Road we believe that Every Child Can Succeed; we strive to provide the best possible opportunities and outcomes for every child in our school.


Our curriculum aims to develop core skills in English and maths, whilst providing exciting social, physical and creative opportunities in a wide range of other subjects bringing learning alive, making it exciting and stimulating.  Children can start at Exeter Road from 2 years old as we have a nursery carefully integrated into our Early Years.  Here the children learn through play to make relationships, manage their feelings and behaviour and cooperate with others. We promote a communication friendly environment where children are given opportunities to talk and listen, through small group or paired play. They learn to listen and communicate, forming the building blocks of their future learning. 


Our hard-working staff team are dedicated to meeting the needs of all of our children by getting to know our children and their families by building strong and positive relationships.  We are a small school with a big heart and we have strong links within our local community.


We are hugely proud of our fantastic school where all children are encouraged to flourish and grow.  We hope to welcome you and your child here; we know they will have a happy, fun and fulfilling time with us making their primary education a very special and memorable experience.


Please do book a visit to come and find out more about us.


Caroline Curtis

Interim Headteacher

School Organisation

Our school is organised into 5  mixed age classes plus our nursery:

Nursery / Reception

Reception / Year 1

Year 1 / Year 2

Year 3 / Year 4

Year 4 / Year 5

Year 5 / Year 6 


School Day

Gates open at 8:40 and lock at 8:50

Registration: 8:50

End of day: 3:20
