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Exeter Road Community Primary School

Every Child Can Succeed

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Our Vision for Maths at Exeter Road Community Primary School:

At Exeter Road, our aim is to develop confident mathematicians, who enjoy and are curious about the subject. Children understand that through hard work and a positive mindset, they can achieve and be successful in Maths.

Teachers aim to deliver an equitable lesson which effectively builds upon previous learning, and where children are encouraged to become resilient, creative learners, who appreciate the significance of Maths within the wider world. Through well taught progressive steps, children will develop skills in fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving.

How we implement Maths at Exeter Road Community Primary School:

  • Across the school, maths is taught daily with every class spending at least one hour per day on maths learning
  • Exeter Road Primary School Trackers for Maths, linked to the NC key objectives for each year group, are used to help inform planning, teaching and assessment.  These trackers help teachers to provide a broad, balanced coverage, content and structure for maths, with effective sequencing of the objectives across the years.
  • The White Rose scheme, approved by NCETM is used from Reception to Year 6.  Alongside White Rose, teachers can also use a range of resources to provide a curriculum that best suits all children’s needs eg NRICH, NCETM materials, etc
  • In KS1, the Mastery for Number program is used and in KS2, Number Sense. Both programs are designed to strengthen children’s understanding of number and fluency with number facts.  These sessions are taught daily for 10 – 15 minutes from R- Y6
  • Through daily maths lessons, opportunities are provided for all children to develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.
  • For assessment, the school uses White Rose end of term assessments from Y1 – 5 with Year 6 using past sats papers. At the end of the year, Years 1, 3 and 4 use First Federation end of year assessment papers which include an Arithmetic and Reasoning paper.  In Year 2, we use an end of KS1 Sats paper.  In Year 5, we use  previous Year 6 SATs papers and in Year 6 we have the SATs papers and results. The results from these assessments, alongside children’s achievements in class, inform teachers end of term and end of year Teacher assessments.
  • By the end of Year 4, every child is formally tested using the Multiplication Tables Check.  Teaching times tables is embedded in the White Rose scheme and children practise speedy recall using their Times Tables Rockstar log ins.  Every child in KS2 has membership.
  • Exeter Road Primary teaching staff model the correct use of mathematical vocabulary across all year groups and children are encouraged to explain, reason and justify their maths, using full sentences (stem sentences are incorporated to scaffold) and the accurate maths terminology.
  • A wide variety of maths manipulatives and representations are used from EYFS to Year 6, providing equitable opportunities for all children to show their thinking and understanding in different ways
  • Exeter Road Primary children are encouraged to discuss their understanding and to explain their thinking.  This may include paired/small group work, whole class discussions or one-to-one conferencing with an adult.
  • Effective use of questioning is used by teaching staff in order to develop children’s understanding and to expose/address any misconceptions


The Impact on our pupils at Exeter Road Community Primary School:


To create a positive and engaging learning environment in which children feel confident and resilient enough to share their ideas and ask questions to develop their understanding.  Children at Exeter Road Community Primary school have an enthusiastic approach to maths and a positive mindset where they can talk confidently about their maths learning, ask questions, explain their reasoning and justify their thought processes, using appropriate maths vocabulary. Pupils develop solid number sense, including fluency and flexibility with number facts, which has a lasting impact on their future learning. They represent their mathematics in different ways, including the use of the concrete, pictorial and abstract.
